The latest toolkit release has a focus on accessibility and stabilization. Though it does contain some new features, most build on existing infrastructure. One example is more accessibility options for each control. They can now be used via the keyboard, mouse, or touch input. This combines with better Narrator support so screen readers have less trouble. Microsoft also rolled out new more support tools in the form of a new NuGet package. Microsoft.Toolkit.Developertools introduces the following:

“FocusTracker: Can be used in your application to display information about the current focused control (name, type, etc.). This is extremely useful when you want to ensure that your application is accessible. AlignmentGrid: Can be used to display a grid, helping you align controls on your pages.”

UWP Community Toolkit 1.4 Features

Of course, there are also plenty of new features, and we’ve listed the major ones below: The toolkit works with any app, with a target of Windows 10.0.10586 or higher. You can find the full list of changes on GitHub.

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